If You Smell Gas

Get everyone out of the building immediately — leave the door open as you exit.

Don't touch switches for lights or other electric appliances, and don't use a phone inside the building.

Any spark can ignite an explosion.

Once safely outside, call our Emergency Service number at top of page or 911 using a cell phone or your neighbor's phone.

Remain outside the building until cleared to return by emergency personnel on the scene.

For Urgent Appliance Repairs

Please call our Emergency Number at the top of this page.

If you smell gas or believe you have any other propane gas-related emergency, please follow the instructions given .

Leaking propane is heavier than air and collects in low areas. To check if you have a leak, get down on your hands and knees and smell close to the floor.


R.D White Service staff standing by  & Son's is a full service company that sells and repairs energy efficient water heaters, ranges, grills, floor furnaces, wall heaters, and more.


We perform cleaning and routine service on all gas appliances, fire places, cook stove adjustment, water heaters.




Main Office

Call for information or to schedule a delivery:


Located at:

4737 Main Street
Shallotte, NC 28470

Mailing Address:

PO Box 40
Shallotte, NC 28459


8am- 5pm

Se habla español

After Hours
Emergency Numbers

